Friday 21 May 2010

The UpCycling ladyBird

For those of you who don't already know, I have just moved home to Ireland from having lived in Australia for 10 years. I first started LizieNellie over there. I also made one off handbags using mostly off cuts from the dresses I made or recycled clothing I'd find in charity shops. My lable for the bags is 'LadyBird Feet'

Well I've been on the hunt this week and found that my local charity shop 'Marie Curie', has a sale on their handbags!

If you've ever had to buy metal work for bag making then you know it can be a little pricey at times but I managed to get 4 handbags at 75p each!! Yes! 75p and look at all the fantastic metal bits I got for a grand total of £3.00!

So now I'm of for a rummage in my boxes , which arrived from Sydney last Monday, to see what fabrics I brought.

Stay tuned to see what lovely things I come up with.

I might even just pop out and buy more 75p bags while they are there.

Ta Ta till next time!
LizieNellie your Modern Fairy God mother

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1 comment:

  1. WHAT A BARGAIN!! I can't wait to see what you create and I didn't know your bags were made from off cuts!!

    xo Steph
